Raw, uncooked rice. The kind you buy in bulk.
Cooked rice, but also food in general; “ご飯食べたい?” = “Do you want to eat?” 晩ご飯=dinner, etc.
Literally ‘edible things.’ Used in only two situations - I’m hungry! You got something to eat around here? おなかが空いた!なんか食べ物ある? and, Lions hunt their own food. ライオンが自分で食べ物を狩る。
Two meanings. 1) cooking, as in, “My hobby is cooking.” Or “I’m cooking right now, I can’t talk.” 2:) cuisine, as in, “My favorite cuisine is Mexican. My favorite cuisine is Indonesian.” You don’t say, though, “I’m going to buy some 料理.” Or “I’m eating 料理 right now, I’ll call you back.”